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Post date Title Video category SDG Original Language Languagesort ascending Country
06.11.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Changes in Cameroon's EFA Schools Changes in Cameroon's EFA Schools Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION French English Cameroon
19.11.2017 Embedded thumbnail for The power of communication to overcome discrimination The power of communication to overcome discrimination Citizenship 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS Spanish English Spain
04.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Intercultural communication Intercultural communication Cultural Identity 4: QUALITY EDUCATION English English Belgium
04.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for From rubbish to ART From rubbish to ART Environmental English English Belgium
04.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Rice Not Bullets Rice Not Bullets Citizenship 2: ZERO HUNGER, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS English English Philippines
11.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Emancipation of the young girls of the tribes GBAYA and DJEREM Emancipation of the young girls of the tribes GBAYA and DJEREM Gender 5: GENDER EQUALITY French English Cameroon
13.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for They call me BIL-BIL They call me BIL-BIL Cultural Identity French English Cameroon
14.12.2016 Embedded thumbnail for The young girl from Bertoua in Cameroon. The young girl from Bertoua in Cameroon. Gender 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 5: GENDER EQUALITY French English Cameroon
18.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for How Climate Change Influences Rural Spain How Climate Change Influences Rural Spain Environmental 13: CLIMATE ACTION, 15: LIFE ON LAND Spanish English Spain
13.02.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Beyond corn and beans. Beyond corn and beans. Rural development 15: LIFE ON LAND Spanish English Guatemala
03.03.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Youth for agro-ecology in the Polo da Borborema Territory in the State of Paraíba Youth for agro-ecology in the Polo da Borborema Territory in the State of Paraíba Rural development 15: LIFE ON LAND Portuguese English Brazil
10.03.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Sustainable Agriculture in the Far-North of Cameroon Sustainable Agriculture in the Far-North of Cameroon Rural development French English Cameroon
10.03.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Working on sustainable Agriculture in the Far-North of Cameroon Working on sustainable Agriculture in the Far-North of Cameroon Rural development 2: ZERO HUNGER, 15: LIFE ON LAND French English Cameroon
10.03.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Professional educational development in rural areas Professional educational development in rural areas Organization 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES French English Cameroon
31.03.2018 Embedded thumbnail for A comparison between traditional and modern cattle farming A comparison between traditional and modern cattle farming Rural development 2: ZERO HUNGER, 15: LIFE ON LAND French English Burundi
31.03.2018 Embedded thumbnail for The Importance of Agroecology The Importance of Agroecology Rural development 2: ZERO HUNGER, 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, 15: LIFE ON LAND French English Burundi
10.04.2018 Embedded thumbnail for The integration of young people at the Centre of Agricultural Training (CAPAM) in Cameroon The integration of young people at the Centre of Agricultural Training (CAPAM) in Cameroon Organization 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES French English Cameroon
10.04.2018 Embedded thumbnail for CAPAM, the Agricultural Training Centre - Cameroon CAPAM, the Agricultural Training Centre - Cameroon Organization 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES French English Cameroon
10.04.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Integrated Farmer Plan Integrated Farmer Plan Productive projects 2: ZERO HUNGER, 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION French English Burundi
01.05.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Advocacy on public policies. Advocacy on public policies. Citizenship 2: ZERO HUNGER, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS French English Rwanda
12.06.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Child labour in Cameroon Child labour in Cameroon Citizenship 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS English English Cameroon
11.07.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Family Farm Schools and the promotion of self-employment among youngsters in Cameroon. Family Farm Schools and the promotion of self-employment among youngsters in Cameroon. Productive projects French English Cameroon
11.07.2018 Embedded thumbnail for It is never too late It is never too late Gender 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 5: GENDER EQUALITY French English Cameroon
11.07.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Socio-professional integration – yes or no? Socio-professional integration – yes or no? 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH French English
11.07.2018 Embedded thumbnail for CEFFA and the promotion of youth self-employment in Cameroon CEFFA and the promotion of youth self-employment in Cameroon Education French English Cameroon
11.07.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Culture and art of East Cameroon Culture and art of East Cameroon Cultural Identity French English Cameroon
17.07.2018 Embedded thumbnail for The story of beekeeping at the Institute For Rural Entrepreneurship (IRE), Nkambe, Cameroon. The story of beekeeping at the Institute For Rural Entrepreneurship (IRE), Nkambe, Cameroon. Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION English English Cameroon
24.07.2018 Embedded thumbnail for The pedagogy of alternance through the Open Days The pedagogy of alternance through the Open Days Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION French English Cameroon
15.09.2018 Embedded thumbnail for This trip allowed us to open our eyes This trip allowed us to open our eyes Cultural Identity 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS French English Belgium
15.09.2018 Embedded thumbnail for “Kitchen Gardens” are a solution to malnutrition in Rwanda “Kitchen Gardens” are a solution to malnutrition in Rwanda Rural development 2: ZERO HUNGER, 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING French English Rwanda


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