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Post date Title Video category SDG Original Languagesort descending Language Country
30.10.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Overcoming Poverty in Northwest Cameroon Overcoming Poverty in Northwest Cameroon Education 1 NO POVERTY English English Cameroon
04.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Rice Not Bullets Rice Not Bullets Citizenship 2: ZERO HUNGER, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS English English Philippines
16.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Sobre Comundos - 2016 Sobre Comundos - 2016 Organization English Spanish Brazil
29.01.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Biodiversiteit van hier en vandaag Biodiversiteit van hier en vandaag Environmental 4: KWALITEITSONDERWIJS, 15: LEVEN OP HET LAND English Dutch Philippines
29.01.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Comunicación intercultural Comunicación intercultural Cultural Identity 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD English Spanish Belgium
13.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Agricultura orgânica nas Filipinas. Agricultura orgânica nas Filipinas. Productive projects 8: TRABALHO DECENTE E CRESCIMENTO ECONÔMICO, 9: INDÚSTRIA, INOVAÇÃO E INFRAESTRUTURA, 11: CIDADES E COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS English Portuguese, Brazil Philippines
11.09.2018 Embedded thumbnail for História da Apicultura do Instituto Rural de Empreendedorismo (IRE)Nkambe História da Apicultura do Instituto Rural de Empreendedorismo (IRE)Nkambe Education 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE English Portuguese, Brazil Cameroon
30.01.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Vissen naar plastic Vissen naar plastic Environmental 3: GOEDE GEZONDHEID EN WELZIJN English Dutch Belgium
11.09.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Une histoire d'apiculture, par l'institut pour la formation en entrepreneuriat rural de Nkambe Une histoire d'apiculture, par l'institut pour la formation en entrepreneuriat rural de Nkambe Education 4 : ÉDUCATION DE QUALITÉ English French Cameroon
29.01.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Biodiversidad aquí y ahora Biodiversidad aquí y ahora Environmental 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD, 15: VIDA DE ECOSISTEMAS TERRESTRES English Spanish Philippines
16.03.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Organic farming as a profitable business in the Philippines. Organic farming as a profitable business in the Philippines. Rural development 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES English English Philippines
09.12.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Air Pollution in Mexico City Air Pollution in Mexico City Environmental 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES English English Belgium
26.11.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Wat is de kost van mijn verslaving? Wat is de kost van mijn verslaving? Citizenship 12. VERANTWOORDE CONSUMPTIE EN PRODUCTIE English Dutch Belgium
12.06.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Child labour in Cameroon Child labour in Cameroon Citizenship 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS English English Cameroon
30.01.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Poluição do ar na Cidade do México Poluição do ar na Cidade do México Environmental 9: INDÚSTRIA, INOVAÇÃO E INFRAESTRUTURA, 11: CIDADES E COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS English Portuguese, Brazil Belgium
30.01.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Pollution de l’air à Mexico Pollution de l’air à Mexico Environmental 9: INDUSTRIE, INNOVATION ET INFRASTRUCTURE, 11 : VILLES ET COMMUNAUTÉS DURABLES English French Belgium
19.05.2016 Embedded thumbnail for About Comundos About Comundos Organization English English Brazil
13.02.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Biodiversity here and now. Biodiversity here and now. Environmental 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 15: LIFE ON LAND English English Philippines
30.01.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Communication Interculturelle Communication Interculturelle Cultural Identity 4 : ÉDUCATION DE QUALITÉ, 17 : PARTENARIATS POUR LA RÉALISATION DES OBJECTIFS English French Belgium
28.01.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Interculturele communicatie Interculturele communicatie Cultural Identity 4: KWALITEITSONDERWIJS, 17: PARTNERSCHAPPEN OM DOELSTELLINGEN TE BEREIKEN English Dutch Belgium
30.01.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Comunicação Intercultural Comunicação Intercultural Cultural Identity 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE English Portuguese, Brazil Belgium
05.05.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Door de ogen van een overlevende van Tyfoon Haiyan (Yolanda) Door de ogen van een overlevende van Tyfoon Haiyan (Yolanda) Environmental 13: KLIMAATACTIE English Dutch Philippines
14.12.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Barriers to my dream. Barriers to my dream. Gender 5: GENDER EQUALITY, 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES English English Cameroon
17.07.2018 Embedded thumbnail for The story of beekeeping at the Institute For Rural Entrepreneurship (IRE), Nkambe, Cameroon. The story of beekeeping at the Institute For Rural Entrepreneurship (IRE), Nkambe, Cameroon. Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION English English Cameroon
24.11.2018 Embedded thumbnail for The vanishing coastline The vanishing coastline Environmental 13: CLIMATE ACTION English English Belgium
22.11.2018 Embedded thumbnail for What is the cost of my addiction ? What is the cost of my addiction ? Citizenship 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION English English Belgium
14.12.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Dialla's Reality - A personal story (The right to education) Dialla's Reality - A personal story (The right to education) Cultural Identity 5: GENDER EQUALITY English English Belgium
26.11.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Fishing for plastics Fishing for plastics Environmental 14: LIFE BELOW WATER English English Belgium
30.01.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Pesca de plástico Pesca de plástico Environmental 14: VIDA NA ÁGUA English Portuguese, Brazil Belgium
30.01.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Quel est le coût de mon addiction ? Quel est le coût de mon addiction ? Citizenship 12 CONSOMMATION ET PRODUCTION RESPONSABLE English French Belgium


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