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Post datesort ascending Title Video category SDG Original Language Language Country
22.09.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Towards the Privatization of Education: the case of Greece. Towards the Privatization of Education: the case of Greece. Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION English English
19.09.2023 Embedded thumbnail for De sluiting van scholen in de noordwestelijke regio van Kameroen (2023) De sluiting van scholen in de noordwestelijke regio van Kameroen (2023) Education 4: KWALITEITSONDERWIJS English Dutch Cameroon
19.09.2023 Embedded thumbnail for La fermeture des écoles dans la région du Nord-Ouest du Cameroun (2023) La fermeture des écoles dans la région du Nord-Ouest du Cameroun (2023) Education 4 : ÉDUCATION DE QUALITÉ English French Cameroon
19.09.2023 Embedded thumbnail for El cierre de escuelas en la región noroeste de Camerún (2023) El cierre de escuelas en la región noroeste de Camerún (2023) Education 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD English Spanish Cameroon
18.09.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Déficit en eau en La Guajira, Colombie Déficit en eau en La Guajira, Colombie Cultural Identity 1 PAS DE PAUVRETÉ, 10 : INÉGALITÉS RÉDUITES, 13 : MESURES RELATIVES À LA LUTTE CONTRE LES CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES Spanish French Colombia
18.09.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Droogte in La Guajira, Colombia Droogte in La Guajira, Colombia Cultural Identity 1 EINDE AAN ARMOEDE, 10: ONGELIJKHEID VERMINDEREN, 13: KLIMAATACTIE Spanish Dutch Colombia
17.09.2023 Embedded thumbnail for O encerramento de escolas na região Noroeste dos Camarões (2023) O encerramento de escolas na região Noroeste dos Camarões (2023) Education 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE English Portuguese, Brazil Cameroon
17.09.2023 Embedded thumbnail for The Closure of Schools in the Northwest Region of Cameroon (2023) The Closure of Schools in the Northwest Region of Cameroon (2023) Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS English English Cameroon
06.07.2023 Embedded thumbnail for  Uma belga na India Uma belga na India Cultural Identity English Portuguese, Brazil Belgium
28.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Adapting to Adversity: Empowering Students through Innovative Education Adapting to Adversity: Empowering Students through Innovative Education Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION English English Cameroon
22.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Ervaringen die je perspectief veranderen: mindfulness in gevangenissen Ervaringen die je perspectief veranderen: mindfulness in gevangenissen Education 3: GOEDE GEZONDHEID EN WELZIJN Spanish Dutch Colombia
12.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for A primeira aula de Wayuunaiki. La Guajira, Colômbia A primeira aula de Wayuunaiki. La Guajira, Colômbia Education Spanish Portuguese, Brazil Colombia
05.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Des expériences qui changent la perspective, le mindfulness dans les prisons Des expériences qui changent la perspective, le mindfulness dans les prisons Education 3 : BONNE SANTÉ ET BIEN-ÊTRE, 16: PAIX, JUSTICE ET INSTITUTIONS EFFICACES Spanish French Colombia
05.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Experiences that change your perspective, mindfulness in prisons Experiences that change your perspective, mindfulness in prisons Education 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS Spanish English Colombia
04.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for  Una belga en India Una belga en India Cultural Identity 16: PAZ, JUSTICIA Y INSTITUCIONES SÓLIDAS English Spanish Belgium
03.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Retratos linguísticos: explorando a nós mesmos a partir de uma perspectiva lingüística Retratos linguísticos: explorando a nós mesmos a partir de uma perspectiva lingüística Cultural Identity English Portuguese, Brazil Belgium
02.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Portraits linguistiques : nous explorer d'un point de vue linguistique Portraits linguistiques : nous explorer d'un point de vue linguistique Cultural Identity 4 : ÉDUCATION DE QUALITÉ English French Belgium
02.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Retratos lingüísticos: Explorarnos a nosotros mismos desde una perspectiva lingüística Retratos lingüísticos: Explorarnos a nosotros mismos desde una perspectiva lingüística Cultural Identity 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD English Spanish Belgium
02.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Experiências que mudam a perspectiva, atenção plena nas prisões Experiências que mudam a perspectiva, atenção plena nas prisões Education 3: VIDA SAÚDÁVEL E BEM ESTAR PARA TODOS, 16: PAZ, JUSTIÇA E INSTITUIÇÕES EFICAZES Spanish Portuguese, Brazil Colombia
02.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Experiencias que te cambian la perspectiva, mindfulness en prisiones Experiencias que te cambian la perspectiva, mindfulness en prisiones Education 3: SALUD E BIENESTAR, 16: PAZ, JUSTICIA Y INSTITUCIONES SÓLIDAS Spanish Spanish Colombia
02.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Une Belge en Inde Une Belge en Inde Cultural Identity 16: PAIX, JUSTICE ET INSTITUTIONS EFFICACES English French Belgium
02.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Een Belg in India Een Belg in India Cultural Identity 16. VREDE, VEILIGHEID EN RECHTVAARDIGHEID English Dutch Belgium
01.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for A Belgian in India A Belgian in India Cultural Identity 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS English English Belgium
01.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Taalportretten: onszelf verkennen vanuit een taalperspectief Taalportretten: onszelf verkennen vanuit een taalperspectief Cultural Identity 4: KWALITEITSONDERWIJS English Dutch Belgium
31.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Permacultura, una experiencia en la EFA de Oeiras, Piaui Permacultura, una experiencia en la EFA de Oeiras, Piaui Education 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD, 12 PRODUCCIÓN Y CONSUMO RESPONSABLE Portuguese Spanish Brazil
31.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Language Portraits: Exploring Ourselves from a Language Perspective Language Portraits: Exploring Ourselves from a Language Perspective Cultural Identity 4: QUALITY EDUCATION English English Belgium
30.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Cortes continuos de electricidad en mi ciudad de Lubumbashi Cortes continuos de electricidad en mi ciudad de Lubumbashi Citizenship French Spanish Congo
25.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Valoración de la cultura popular Valoración de la cultura popular Cultural Identity Portuguese Spanish Brazil
25.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for La collecte sélective des déchets. Les petites habitudes quotidiennes peuvent changer le monde ! La collecte sélective des déchets. Les petites habitudes quotidiennes peuvent changer le monde ! Citizenship 11 : VILLES ET COMMUNAUTÉS DURABLES, 12 CONSOMMATION ET PRODUCTION RESPONSABLE Portuguese French Brazil
25.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Selectieve vuilnisophaling. Kleine dagelijkse gewoontes kunnen de wereld veranderen! Selectieve vuilnisophaling. Kleine dagelijkse gewoontes kunnen de wereld veranderen! Citizenship 11: VEILIGE EN DUURZAME STEDEN, 12. VERANTWOORDE CONSUMPTIE EN PRODUCTIE Portuguese Dutch Brazil


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