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Post date Title Video category SDG Original Language Languageordem decrescente Country
22.09.2023 Embedded thumbnail for The Intersection of Taste and Relationships: Exploring Guangdong Morning Tea The Intersection of Taste and Relationships: Exploring Guangdong Morning Tea Identidade Cultural English inglês Belgium
22.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for How to Run a Diagnostic Test on a Computer Emitting a Red Light and Beeps How to Run a Diagnostic Test on a Computer Emitting a Red Light and Beeps Educação francês inglês Camarões
01.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for A Belgian in India A Belgian in India Identidade Cultural 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS English inglês Belgium
17.04.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Witnessing Trauma. Vicarious Trauma in Interpreters Witnessing Trauma. Vicarious Trauma in Interpreters Educação 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS English inglês Belgium
25.03.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Cultural differences in greetings: a focus on Spain Cultural differences in greetings: a focus on Spain Identidade Cultural English inglês Belgium
22.09.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Towards the Privatization of Education: the case of Greece. Towards the Privatization of Education: the case of Greece. Educação 4: QUALITY EDUCATION English inglês
13.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for They call me BIL-BIL They call me BIL-BIL Identidade Cultural francês inglês Camarões
08.04.2022 Embedded thumbnail for Integrated market gardening Integrated market gardening Educação 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING, 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, 15: LIFE ON LAND Portuguese inglês Moçambique
18.07.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Looking for alternatives in agriculture Looking for alternatives in agriculture Projetos produtivos 2: ZERO HUNGER, 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH Spanish inglês Honduras
14.12.2016 Embedded thumbnail for The young girl from Bertoua in Cameroon. The young girl from Bertoua in Cameroon. Género 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 5: GENDER EQUALITY francês inglês Camarões
18.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for How Climate Change Influences Rural Spain How Climate Change Influences Rural Spain Meio Ambiente 13: CLIMATE ACTION, 15: LIFE ON LAND Spanish inglês Spain
10.04.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Early pregnancy in rural Mozambique Early pregnancy in rural Mozambique Cidadania 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING, 5: GENDER EQUALITY Portuguese inglês Moçambique
09.04.2020 Embedded thumbnail for The Role of a Monitor Inside and Outside the School. The Role of a Monitor Inside and Outside the School. Educação 2: ZERO HUNGER, 4: QUALITY EDUCATION Portuguese inglês Brazil
03.12.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Fighting against climate change in Senegal Fighting against climate change in Senegal Meio Ambiente 13: CLIMATE ACTION, 15: LIFE ON LAND francês inglês Senegal
22.12.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Populism Explained Populism Explained Cidadania 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS English inglês Belgium
01.07.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Precoce pregnancy in the interior of Brazil. Precoce pregnancy in the interior of Brazil. Portuguese inglês
28.04.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Stop deforestation ! Stop deforestation ! Meio Ambiente 15: LIFE ON LAND Spanish inglês Guatemala
22.04.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Empowering Women. Empowering Women. Género 5: GENDER EQUALITY English inglês Filipinas
27.05.2020 Embedded thumbnail for The progress of civil status in Toucountouna The progress of civil status in Toucountouna Cidadania 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS francês inglês Bénin
25.05.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Local development initiative Local development initiative Projetos produtivos 1 NO POVERTY, 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH Spanish inglês Honduras
26.03.2021 Embedded thumbnail for Cameroon is a blessed country Cameroon is a blessed country Organização 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES English inglês Camarões
20.04.2020 Embedded thumbnail for A Stranger in the Park A Stranger in the Park Outro 4: QUALITY EDUCATION Spanish inglês Guatemala
20.09.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Production of hydroponic fodder from corn Production of hydroponic fodder from corn Desenvolvimento rural 1 NO POVERTY, 2: ZERO HUNGER francês inglês Camarões
15.09.2018 Embedded thumbnail for This trip allowed us to open our eyes This trip allowed us to open our eyes Identidade Cultural 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS francês inglês Belgium
03.11.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Coal plants are not developing the Philippines. Coal plants are not developing the Philippines. Cidadania English inglês Filipinas
01.08.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Ecological changes and sustainable production Ecological changes and sustainable production Meio Ambiente 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, 15: LIFE ON LAND Portuguese inglês Brazil
28.04.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Deforestation. Guatemala. Deforestation. Guatemala. Meio Ambiente 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, 15: LIFE ON LAND Spanish inglês Guatemala
16.08.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Advancements made thanks to cooperative action (original text in Kinyarwanda) Advancements made thanks to cooperative action (original text in Kinyarwanda) Desenvolvimento rural 1 NO POVERTY, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS francês inglês Ruanda
24.06.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Cerrado region in Brazil is in danger Cerrado region in Brazil is in danger Meio Ambiente 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, 15: LIFE ON LAND Portuguese inglês Brazil
13.02.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Beyond corn and beans. Beyond corn and beans. Desenvolvimento rural 15: LIFE ON LAND Spanish inglês Guatemala


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