All Videos
Post date | Title | Video category | SDG | Original Language | Language | Country | |
05.12.2016 | Dificuldades no ensino médio Qualidade do ensino. | Education | Portuguese | Portuguese, Brazil | Brazil | ||
05.12.2016 | Gravidez Precoce | Gender | 3: VIDA SAÚDÁVEL E BEM ESTAR PARA TODOS, 5: IGUALDADE DE GËNERO | Portuguese | Portuguese, Brazil | Brazil | |
05.12.2016 | Pollution of the Environment | Environmental | 6: CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS | Portuguese | English | Brazil | |
05.12.2016 | Poluição no meio ambiente | Environmental | 6: ÁGUA LIMPA E SANEAMENTO, 13: AÇÃO CONTRA A MUDANÇA GLOBAL DO CLIMA, 17: PARCERIAS E MEIOS DE IMPLEMENTAÇÃO | Portuguese | Portuguese, Brazil | Brazil | |
29.11.2016 | Bullying: Eu ou você ? | Education | Portuguese | Portuguese, Brazil | Brazil | ||
28.11.2016 | Religieuze diversiteit binnen scholen | Cultural Identity | Portuguese | Dutch | Brazil | ||
28.11.2016 | Is goed onderwijs mogelijk in een plattelandsomgeving? | Education | Portuguese | Dutch | Brazil | ||
28.11.2016 | Is It Possible to be Educated in a Rural Setting? | Education | 4: QUALITY EDUCATION | Portuguese | English | Brazil | |
27.11.2016 | É possível se educar no campo? | Education | 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE | Portuguese | Portuguese, Brazil | Brazil | |
27.11.2016 | Religious Diversity within schools. | Cultural Identity | 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES | Portuguese | English | Brazil | |
27.11.2016 | Diversidade religiosa dentro da escola. | Cultural Identity | Portuguese | Portuguese, Brazil | Brazil | ||
27.11.2016 | The story about local power | Citizenship | Portuguese | English | Brazil | ||
27.11.2016 | Violence and Youth | Citizenship | 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS | Portuguese | English | Brazil | |
27.11.2016 | Violência e Juventude | Citizenship | 11: CIDADES E COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS, 16: PAZ, JUSTIÇA E INSTITUIÇÕES EFICAZES | Portuguese | Portuguese, Brazil | Brazil | |
27.11.2016 | Training young people to become actors in the development of their territory. | Education | 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES | Portuguese | English | Brazil | |
23.11.2016 | De impact van de mijnbouw op het milieu | Environmental | 12. VERANTWOORDE CONSUMPTIE EN PRODUCTIE | Portuguese | Dutch | Mozambique | |
23.11.2016 | Het gebrek aan elektriciteit in onze gemeenschap | Rural development | 1 NO POVERTY, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES | Portuguese | Dutch | Mozambique | |
22.11.2016 | Xitique, een financiële gewoonte in Mozambique | Cultural Identity | 10: ONGELIJKHEID VERMINDEREN, 11: VEILIGE EN DUURZAME STEDEN | Portuguese | Dutch | Mozambique | |
18.11.2016 | Gouden zaden voor mijn gemeenschap. | Rural development | 3: GOEDE GEZONDHEID EN WELZIJN, 15: LEVEN OP HET LAND | Spanish | Dutch | Guatemala | |
14.11.2016 | Lack of acces to secondary education in rural regions of Mozambique | Education | 4: QUALITY EDUCATION | Portuguese | English | Mozambique | |
14.11.2016 | A Healthy Life Depends on Clean Water !!! | Rural development | 6: CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION, 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES | Portuguese | English | Brazil | |
11.11.2016 | Historia sobre poder local | Citizenship | Portuguese | Portuguese, Brazil | Brazil | ||
11.11.2016 | Lutas sociais no Semiárido | Rural development | Portuguese | Portuguese, Brazil | Brazil | ||
11.11.2016 | Guardar água limpa para viver melhor!!! | Rural development | 6: ÁGUA LIMPA E SANEAMENTO | Portuguese | Portuguese, Brazil | Brazil | |
08.11.2016 | Achter de maïs en bonen in Guatemala | Rural development | 15: LEVEN OP HET LAND | Spanish | Dutch | Guatemala | |
08.11.2016 | Biologische landbouw op de Filippijnen | Productive projects | 8: WAARDIG WERK EN ECONOMISCHE GROEI, 9: INDUSTRIE, 11: VEILIGE EN DUURZAME STEDEN | English | Dutch | Philippines | |
24.10.2016 | Organic Farming in the Philippines | Productive projects | 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES | English | English | Philippines | |
18.10.2016 | Perdida de tierras y cultura | Environmental | 12 PRODUCCIÓN Y CONSUMO RESPONSABLE, 13: ACCIÓN POR EL CLIMA, 15: VIDA DE ECOSISTEMAS TERRESTRES | Spanish | Spanish | Guatemala | |
13.10.2016 | Rural Youth wanting to stay in the interior | Citizenship | 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH | Portuguese | English | Brazil | |
10.10.2016 | Wat me momenteel bezighoudt is racisme. | Citizenship | 10: ONGELIJKHEID VERMINDEREN, 16. VREDE, VEILIGHEID EN RECHTVAARDIGHEID | Portuguese | Dutch | Brazil |
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