4. Quality educationQuality education

Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.
SDG4 in the classroom Read more on SDG4


Post date Title Video Categorysort descending Country SDG
01.12.2021 A look into my internship at Comundos 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
02.10.2023 SDG04 in the classroom: Quality education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
15.11.2023 Introduction of SDG lesson plans 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
30.04.2020 Course for ´Fake News Detectors´ 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
06.09.2017 Intercultural Dialogues, learning to live together 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
18.11.2022 Podcast: Media Literacy for All 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
10.11.2018 Volunteering at Comundos 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS
15.08.2017 What is Media literacy ? 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
03.12.2020 Geography 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
16.07.2021 ‘Media literacy has helped my family to avoid the loss of seeds and labor’ 1 NO POVERTY, 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
