Local Currency of Carrapato Community, Ceará, Brazil

Local Currency of Carrapato Community, Ceará, Brazil
In the community of Sítio Carrapato, in Crato-Ceará, FEPROAF is more than a fortnightly fair - it is a celebration of local culture, driven by the exchange of family farming products and its own currency, the "Carrapato", supported by the Bank of Sustainability of the Residents Association.
Video Duration: 
Sofia, Gugu e João
Monday, May 6, 2024

In the community of Sítio Carrapato, located in Crato-Ceará, there is a fortnightly fair for family farming producers called FEPROAF.
Always held on a Saturday, it is animated by cultural presentations, where small entrepreneurs and local artisans display and sell their products, preserving their traditions and building a more sustainable future.

In this Fair there is a currency called “Carrapato”, on which the castor bean (Ricinus communis) is printed in the foreground. The image of the first president of the residents' association also appears on the ballot: Dona Toinha!

You can also notice small hands identifying the value of the note in the Kariri language: Bihé,
wachani, wachanidikié, Sumarã Orobaé, Misã sai, cribae misã sai, and Cribae misã idehó iby sai!

This currency is issued through the Residents Association Sustainability Bank, which exchanges cooking oil for “Carrapatos”. In turn, this currency is accepted at the FEPROAF fair, benefiting everyone: both the environment by recycling the oil, and benefiting local traders by encouraging the sale of their products.


Partnership: Crato City Hall
Narration: Sofia
Text: Gugu
Music: Lenda do Boi Crioulo
Lyrics: João do Crato
Images: Samuel, Magaiver
Edition: Carrapato Cultural


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