The fight against the advance of the desert in the Extreme North region of Cameroon.

The fight against the advance of the desert in the Extreme North region of Cameroon.
The region, where I come from, is located in the Sahelian zone. It is suffering the consequences of the advance of the desert.
Video Duration: 
Benoit Birwe - Mahamat Kidam
Tuesday, June 5, 2018

I am MAHAMAT KIDAM, former learner of the LOGONE BIRNI Family Farm School, near KOUSSERI, in the Far North of Cameroon, where I was trained to become a farmer

The region, where I come from, is located in the Sahelian zone, with steppe vegetation. 

It is suffering the consequences of the desert's advance manifested by drought,  the degradation of cultivable land, the low level of rainfall, water scarcity, the risk of famines ...

This situation is explained by transhumant livestock farming, the excessive and anarchic cutting of firewood, the production of coal, the destruction of vegetation cover by bush fires, overgrazing, shifting cultivation ...

In addition, the locality is victim of the invasion of the herds of camels and elephants which ravage everything on their way.
At the Family Farm School, we were made aware of the importance of preserving the environment and trained on organic farming, the sustainable management of natural resources.

Without trees there is no life !

That's why, at the end of my training, I got involved in my community, in collaboration with the Town Hall and the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife, 
to produce seedlings
to reforest arable land with fertilizing species;
promote the use of improved stoves for sustainable timber management;
to popularize environmentally friendly farming techniques: nitrogen-fixing species cultivation, terraces cultivation ...

Without trees, there is no life!


Let's plant trees to stop the advance of the desert!


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