All Videos
Post date | Title | Video category | SDG | Original Language | Language | Country | |
20.05.2022 | Contre le harcelement au Guatemala | Other | 3 : BONNE SANTÉ ET BIEN-ÊTRE, 4 : ÉDUCATION DE QUALITÉ, 10 : INÉGALITÉS RÉDUITES, 16: PAIX, JUSTICE ET INSTITUTIONS EFFICACES | Spanish | French | Guatemala | |
15.05.2024 | ¿Cuánto puedo gastar? | Other | 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD | Portuguese | Spanish | Brazil | |
28.11.2024 | Remember this? | Other | 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING | Portuguese | English | Brazil | |
28.11.2024 | Herinner je je dit? | Other | 3: GOEDE GEZONDHEID EN WELZIJN | Portuguese | Dutch | Brazil | |
10.02.2017 | Educación para la implementación de proyectos productivos y auto-sostenibilidad de las familias. | People and Migration | 2: HAMBRE CERO, 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD | Spanish | Spanish | Guatemala | |
29.10.2019 | L’émigration clandestine | People and Migration | 10 : INÉGALITÉS RÉDUITES, 16: PAIX, JUSTICE ET INSTITUTIONS EFFICACES | French | French | Senegal | |
29.10.2019 | Non à l´emigration illégale | People and Migration | French | French | Senegal | ||
30.10.2019 | Émigration irrégulière | People and Migration | 10 : INÉGALITÉS RÉDUITES, 16: PAIX, JUSTICE ET INSTITUTIONS EFFICACES | French | French | Senegal | |
03.12.2019 | A emigração clandestina | People and Migration | 10: REDUÇÃO DAS DESIGUALDADES, 16: PAZ, JUSTIÇA E INSTITUIÇÕES EFICAZES | French | Portuguese, Brazil | Senegal | |
03.12.2019 | Illegal Emigration | People and Migration | 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS | French | English | Senegal | |
03.12.2019 | La emigración clandestina | People and Migration | 10: REDUCCIÓN DE LAS DESIGUALDADES, 16: PAZ, JUSTICIA Y INSTITUCIONES SÓLIDAS | French | Spanish | Senegal | |
09.03.2020 | Illegaal emigreren. | People and Migration | 10: ONGELIJKHEID VERMINDEREN, 16. VREDE, VEILIGHEID EN RECHTVAARDIGHEID | French | Dutch | Senegal | |
29.04.2020 | Apprentissage de l'autosuffisance à l'école | People and Migration | 2: FAIM « ZÉRO », 4 : ÉDUCATION DE QUALITÉ | Spanish | French | Guatemala | |
30.04.2021 | Irregular Emigration | People and Migration | 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS | French | English | Senegal | |
30.04.2021 | Irreguliere emigratie | People and Migration | 10: ONGELIJKHEID VERMINDEREN, 16. VREDE, VEILIGHEID EN RECHTVAARDIGHEID | French | Dutch | Senegal | |
03.05.2021 | Emigración irregular | People and Migration | 10: REDUCCIÓN DE LAS DESIGUALDADES, 16: PAZ, JUSTICIA Y INSTITUCIONES SÓLIDAS | French | Spanish | Senegal | |
25.06.2021 | A crise humanitária chamada imigração | People and Migration | 16: PAZ, JUSTIÇA E INSTITUIÇÕES EFICAZES, 17: PARCERIAS E MEIOS DE IMPLEMENTAÇÃO | Portuguese | Portuguese, Brazil | Brazil | |
02.07.2021 | A Humanitarian Crisis Called Immigration | People and Migration | 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS | Portuguese | English | Brazil | |
20.09.2021 | Una crisis humanitaria llamada Inmigración | People and Migration | 16: PAZ, JUSTICIA Y INSTITUCIONES SÓLIDAS, 17: ALIANZAS PARA LOGRAR LOS OBJETIVOS | Portuguese | Spanish | Brazil | |
20.09.2021 | Een humanitaire crisis genaamd immigratie | People and Migration | 16. VREDE, VEILIGHEID EN RECHTVAARDIGHEID, 17: PARTNERSCHAPPEN OM DOELSTELLINGEN TE BEREIKEN | Portuguese | Dutch | Brazil | |
20.09.2021 | Une crise humanitaire appelée Immigration | People and Migration | 16: PAIX, JUSTICE ET INSTITUTIONS EFFICACES, 17 : PARTENARIATS POUR LA RÉALISATION DES OBJECTIFS | Portuguese | French | Brazil | |
03.05.2022 | Emigração irregular | People and Migration | 10: REDUÇÃO DAS DESIGUALDADES, 16: PAZ, JUSTIÇA E INSTITUIÇÕES EFICAZES | French | Portuguese, Brazil | Senegal | |
13.05.2024 | Êxodo rural: uma correnteza arrastando sonhos embora. | People and Migration | 1 ERRADICAR A POBREZA, 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE | Portuguese | Portuguese, Brazil | Brazil | |
14.05.2024 | Rural exodus: a current dragging dreams away | People and Migration | 1 NO POVERTY, 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH | Portuguese | English | Brazil | |
17.05.2024 | El éxodo rural: una corriente que se lleva los sueños | People and Migration | 1 FIN DE LA POBREZA, 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD, 8: TRABAJO DECENTE Y CRECIMENTO ECONÓMICO | Portuguese | Spanish | Brazil | |
21.05.2024 | Plattelandsvlucht: een stroom die dromen meesleurt | People and Migration | 1 EINDE AAN ARMOEDE, 4: KWALITEITSONDERWIJS, 8: WAARDIG WERK EN ECONOMISCHE GROEI | Portuguese | Dutch | Brazil | |
21.05.2024 | L'exode rural : un courant qui fait fuir les rêves | People and Migration | 1 PAS DE PAUVRETÉ, 4 : ÉDUCATION DE QUALITÉ, 8: TRAVAIL DÉCENT ET CROISSANCE ÉCONOMIQUE | Portuguese | French | Brazil | |
31.05.2019 | Buscando alternativas en agricultura | Productive projects | 2: HAMBRE CERO, 8: TRABAJO DECENTE Y CRECIMENTO ECONÓMICO | Spanish | Spanish | Honduras | |
18.07.2016 | ¿Quien produce mi comida? | Productive projects | 3: SALUD E BIENESTAR, 12 PRODUCCIÓN Y CONSUMO RESPONSABLE, 17: ALIANZAS PARA LOGRAR LOS OBJETIVOS | Spanish | Spanish | Guatemala | |
18.07.2016 | Who produces my food? | Productive projects | 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING, 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS | Spanish | English | Guatemala |
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