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Post date Titlesort descending Video category SDG Original Language Language Country
21.12.2022 Embedded thumbnail for Wayuu's wederkerigheid Wayuu's wederkerigheid Cultural Identity Spanish Dutch Colombia
27.09.2021 Embedded thumbnail for We just arrived in time We just arrived in time Education 1 NO POVERTY, 2: ZERO HUNGER, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS Spanish English Honduras
28.02.2023 Embedded thumbnail for We moeten kijken naar de zoutmijnen van Manaure We moeten kijken naar de zoutmijnen van Manaure Citizenship 1 EINDE AAN ARMOEDE, 10: ONGELIJKHEID VERMINDEREN Spanish Dutch Colombia
23.12.2022 Embedded thumbnail for We must look to the Manaure Salt Mine now more than ever We must look to the Manaure Salt Mine now more than ever Citizenship 1 NO POVERTY, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES Spanish English Colombia
13.09.2021 Embedded thumbnail for We zijn op tijd aangekomen ! We zijn op tijd aangekomen ! Education 1 EINDE AAN ARMOEDE, 2: GEEN HONGER, 16. VREDE, VEILIGHEID EN RECHTVAARDIGHEID Spanish Dutch Honduras
24.07.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Werken aan duurzame landbouw in het uiterste Noorden van Kameroen. Werken aan duurzame landbouw in het uiterste Noorden van Kameroen. Rural development 2: GEEN HONGER, 15: LEVEN OP HET LAND French Dutch Cameroon
12.06.2017 Embedded thumbnail for What about Preserving the Culture of the Countryside? What about Preserving the Culture of the Countryside? Cultural Identity Portuguese English Brazil
22.11.2018 Embedded thumbnail for What is the cost of my addiction ? What is the cost of my addiction ? Citizenship 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION English English Belgium
10.10.2016 Embedded thumbnail for What makes me sad at the moment is racism. What makes me sad at the moment is racism. Citizenship 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS Portuguese English Brazil
18.07.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Who produces my food? Who produces my food? Productive projects 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING, 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS Spanish English Guatemala
15.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Wie produceert mijn voedsel ? Wie produceert mijn voedsel ? Productive projects 3: GOEDE GEZONDHEID EN WELZIJN, 12. VERANTWOORDE CONSUMPTIE EN PRODUCTIE, 17: PARTNERSCHAPPEN OM DOELSTELLINGEN TE BEREIKEN Spanish Dutch Guatemala
17.04.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Witnessing Trauma. Vicarious Trauma in Interpreters Witnessing Trauma. Vicarious Trauma in Interpreters Education 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS English English Belgium
13.09.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Women in the semi-arid region of Brazil Women in the semi-arid region of Brazil Gender 5: GENDER EQUALITY Portuguese English Brazil
10.03.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Working on sustainable Agriculture in the Far-North of Cameroon Working on sustainable Agriculture in the Far-North of Cameroon Rural development 2: ZERO HUNGER, 15: LIFE ON LAND French English Cameroon
26.03.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Workshop Digital Storytelling in South Africa Workshop Digital Storytelling in South Africa Organization 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS English English South Africa
30.03.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Workshop Digital Storytelling in Zuid Afrika Workshop Digital Storytelling in Zuid Afrika Organization 17: PARTNERSCHAPPEN OM DOELSTELLINGEN TE BEREIKEN English Dutch South Africa
15.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Xitique, a financial habit in Mozambique Xitique, a financial habit in Mozambique Cultural Identity 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES Portuguese English Mozambique
22.11.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Xitique, een financiële gewoonte in Mozambique Xitique, een financiële gewoonte in Mozambique Cultural Identity 10: ONGELIJKHEID VERMINDEREN, 11: VEILIGE EN DUURZAME STEDEN Portuguese Dutch Mozambique
15.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Xitique, un hábito financiera en Mozambique Xitique, un hábito financiera en Mozambique Cultural Identity 10: REDUÇÃO DAS DESIGUALDADES, 11: CIDADES E COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Mozambique
10.05.2022 Embedded thumbnail for Xitique, una costumbre financiera en Mozambique Xitique, una costumbre financiera en Mozambique Cultural Identity 10: REDUCCIÓN DE LAS DESIGUALDADES, 11: CIUDADES Y COMUNIDADES SOSTENIBLES Portuguese Spanish Mozambique
20.05.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Xitique, une habitude financière au Mozambique Xitique, une habitude financière au Mozambique Cultural Identity 10 : INÉGALITÉS RÉDUITES, 11 : VILLES ET COMMUNAUTÉS DURABLES Portuguese French Mozambique
10.05.2024 Embedded thumbnail for You, too, can learn a language!  You, too, can learn a language! Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION Dutch English Belgium
03.03.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Youth for agro-ecology in the Polo da Borborema Territory in the State of Paraíba Youth for agro-ecology in the Polo da Borborema Territory in the State of Paraíba Rural development 15: LIFE ON LAND Portuguese English Brazil
26.04.2021 Embedded thumbnail for Ze noemen me Bil Bil. Ze noemen me Bil Bil. Cultural Identity French Dutch Cameroon
29.04.2021 Embedded thumbnail for Zeewierteelt Zeewierteelt Productive projects 8: WAARDIG WERK EN ECONOMISCHE GROEI English Dutch Philippines
04.03.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Zelfredzaamheid in landelijk Guatemala Zelfredzaamheid in landelijk Guatemala Education 2: GEEN HONGER, 4: KWALITEITSONDERWIJS Spanish Dutch Guatemala
01.07.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Zonne-desinfectie (SODIS) voor water bij ACOHOF, Cameroon Zonne-desinfectie (SODIS) voor water bij ACOHOF, Cameroon Citizenship 6: CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION, 15: LIFE ON LAND English Dutch Cameroon
06.11.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Zonne-energie, bron van verlichting. Zonne-energie, bron van verlichting. Environmental 7: BETAALBARE EN DUURZAME ENERGIE, 9: INDUSTRIE, INNOVATIE EN INFRASTRUCTUUR, 11: VEILIGE EN DUURZAME STEDEN French Dutch Senegal
05.05.2021 Embedded thumbnail for ¡Detengan el acoso sexual! La historia de Lirandzo. ¡Detengan el acoso sexual! La historia de Lirandzo. Gender 5: IGUALDAD DE GÉNERO Portuguese Spanish Mozambique
09.05.2022 Embedded thumbnail for ¡Ocupemos nos dé nuestras abuelas! ¡Ocupemos nos dé nuestras abuelas! Citizenship 1 FIN DE LA POBREZA, 16: PAZ, JUSTICIA Y INSTITUCIONES SÓLIDAS Portuguese Spanish Mozambique


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