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Post datesort descending Title Video category SDG Original Language Language Country
07.02.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Paiter Women Paiter Women Gender 5: GENDER EQUALITY Portuguese English Brazil
08.02.2023 Embedded thumbnail for A Change in our Paiter Suruí Culture A Change in our Paiter Suruí Culture Cultural Identity 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING Portuguese English Brazil
22.02.2023 Embedded thumbnail for The Sky-Blue library The Sky-Blue library Education Spanish English Colombia
01.03.2023 Embedded thumbnail for The first Wayuu class in La Guajira, Colombia. The first Wayuu class in La Guajira, Colombia. Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION Spanish English Colombia
13.03.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Access to drinking water: a conundrum  Access to drinking water: a conundrum Citizenship 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING, 6: CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION French English Congo
13.03.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Chaotic increase of petrol stations in the city of Lubumbashi Chaotic increase of petrol stations in the city of Lubumbashi Citizenship 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES French English Congo
27.03.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Traffic jams in the city of Lubumbashi Traffic jams in the city of Lubumbashi Citizenship 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES French English Congo
14.04.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Standing up as a Personnel Manager Standing up as a Personnel Manager Citizenship 5: GENDER EQUALITY English English Belgium
03.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for A Witch in the City of Lubumbashi A Witch in the City of Lubumbashi Cultural Identity French English Congo
03.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Unsanitary Conditions in Kenya Commune Unsanitary Conditions in Kenya Commune Citizenship 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES French English Congo
05.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Celebrations in Quilombo communities Celebrations in Quilombo communities Cultural Identity 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES Portuguese English Brazil
05.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for The Flour Mill in my Quilombo The Flour Mill in my Quilombo Productive projects 2: ZERO HUNGER Portuguese English Brazil
08.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for The Impact of Kanyama Kasese in the City of Lubumbashi The Impact of Kanyama Kasese in the City of Lubumbashi Education 1 NO POVERTY, 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES French English Congo
10.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for The Female Rite of Passage of the Suruí People The Female Rite of Passage of the Suruí People Cultural Identity Portuguese English Brazil
10.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Experiences in my Community (Wayúu) Experiences in my Community (Wayúu) Environmental 1 NO POVERTY, 2: ZERO HUNGER Spanish English Colombia
18.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for A healthy environment means a healthy life A healthy environment means a healthy life Environmental 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING, 6: CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES, 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION French English Bénin
19.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Gender Equality Is a Fundamental Necessity Gender Equality Is a Fundamental Necessity Gender 5: GENDER EQUALITY, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES French English Bénin
22.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for How to Run a Diagnostic Test on a Computer Emitting a Red Light and Beeps How to Run a Diagnostic Test on a Computer Emitting a Red Light and Beeps Education French English Cameroon
22.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for From Dreams to Reality From Dreams to Reality Productive projects 4: QUALITY EDUCATION French English Cameroon
31.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Language Portraits: Exploring Ourselves from a Language Perspective Language Portraits: Exploring Ourselves from a Language Perspective Cultural Identity 4: QUALITY EDUCATION English English Belgium
01.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for A Belgian in India A Belgian in India Cultural Identity 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS English English Belgium
05.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Experiences that change your perspective, mindfulness in prisons Experiences that change your perspective, mindfulness in prisons Education 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS Spanish English Colombia
28.06.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Adapting to Adversity: Empowering Students through Innovative Education Adapting to Adversity: Empowering Students through Innovative Education Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION English English Cameroon
17.09.2023 Embedded thumbnail for The Closure of Schools in the Northwest Region of Cameroon The Closure of Schools in the Northwest Region of Cameroon Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS English English Cameroon
22.09.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Towards the Privatization of Education: the case of Greece. Towards the Privatization of Education: the case of Greece. Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION English English
22.09.2023 Embedded thumbnail for The Intersection of Taste and Relationships: Exploring Guangdong Morning Tea The Intersection of Taste and Relationships: Exploring Guangdong Morning Tea Cultural Identity English English Belgium
03.03.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Poor Infrastructures Limit Africa's Gains from Modern Technologies Poor Infrastructures Limit Africa's Gains from Modern Technologies Citizenship 1 NO POVERTY, 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 7: AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY, 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS English English Nigeria
25.03.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Cultural Differences in Greetings: a Focus on Spain Cultural Differences in Greetings: a Focus on Spain Cultural Identity English English Belgium
25.03.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Cultural differences in greetings: a focus on Spain Cultural differences in greetings: a focus on Spain Cultural Identity English English Belgium
17.04.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Witnessing Trauma. Vicarious Trauma in Interpreters Witnessing Trauma. Vicarious Trauma in Interpreters Education 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS English English Belgium


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