All Videos

Post date Title Video category SDG Original Languagesort descending Language Country
26.02.2019 Embedded thumbnail for La suie La suie Environmental 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE, 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION English French
26.02.2019 Embedded thumbnail for El hollín El hollín Environmental 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE, 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION English Spanish
26.02.2019 Embedded thumbnail for A Fuligem A Fuligem Environmental 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE, 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION English Portuguese, Brazil
14.05.2021 Embedded thumbnail for De la basura al ARTE De la basura al ARTE Environmental 11: CIUDADES Y COMUNIDADES SOSTENIBLES English Spanish Belgium
26.02.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Obstáculos hacia mi sueño Obstáculos hacia mi sueño 5: IGUALDAD DE GÉNERO, 8: TRABAJO DECENTE Y CRECIMENTO ECONÓMICO, 10: REDUCCIÓN DE LAS DESIGUALDADES English Spanish
19.03.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Derechos transfronterizos y libertad Derechos transfronterizos y libertad 10: REDUCCIÓN DE LAS DESIGUALDADES, 16: PAZ, JUSTICIA Y INSTITUCIONES SÓLIDAS English Spanish Belgium
06.03.2019 Embedded thumbnail for  (SODIS) Desinfecção Solar em Acohof, Camarões (SODIS) Desinfecção Solar em Acohof, Camarões Rural development English Portuguese, Brazil Cameroon
19.03.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Direitos e liberdade transfronteiriços Direitos e liberdade transfronteiriços 10: REDUÇÃO DAS DESIGUALDADES, 16: PAZ, JUSTIÇA E INSTITUIÇÕES EFICAZES English Portuguese, Brazil Belgium
19.03.2019 Embedded thumbnail for La realidad de Dialla – Una historia personal  (El derecho a la educación) La realidad de Dialla – Una historia personal (El derecho a la educación) Cultural Identity 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD, 5: IGUALDAD DE GÉNERO English Spanish Belgium
19.03.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Grensoverschrijdende rechten en vrijheid Grensoverschrijdende rechten en vrijheid 10: ONGELIJKHEID VERMINDEREN, 16. VREDE, VEILIGHEID EN RECHTVAARDIGHEID English Dutch Belgium
19.03.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Droits et liberté des transfrontaliers Droits et liberté des transfrontaliers Citizenship 10 : INÉGALITÉS RÉDUITES, 16: PAIX, JUSTICE ET INSTITUTIONS EFFICACES English French Belgium
04.03.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Solar Disinfection (SODIS) in Acohof, Cameroon Solar Disinfection (SODIS) in Acohof, Cameroon Rural development 6: CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION English English Cameroon
26.02.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Obstáculos aos meus sonhos Obstáculos aos meus sonhos Gender 5: IGUALDADE DE GËNERO, 8: TRABALHO DECENTE E CRESCIMENTO ECONÔMICO, 10: REDUÇÃO DAS DESIGUALDADES English Portuguese, Brazil Cameroon
12.06.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Child labour in Cameroon Child labour in Cameroon Citizenship 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS English English Cameroon
14.12.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Dialla's Reality - A personal story (The right to education) Dialla's Reality - A personal story (The right to education) Cultural Identity 5: GENDER EQUALITY English English Belgium
21.02.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Mensen zonder geboorteakte in Tambacounda, Senegal. Mensen zonder geboorteakte in Tambacounda, Senegal. Citizenship 9: INDUSTRIE, INNOVATIE EN INFRASTRUCTUUR, 16. VREDE, VEILIGHEID EN RECHTVAARDIGHEID, 17: PARTNERSCHAPPEN OM DOELSTELLINGEN TE BEREIKEN English Dutch Senegal
25.04.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Biodiversidade aqui e agora Biodiversidade aqui e agora Environmental 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE, 15: VIDA NA TERRA English Portuguese, Brazil Philippines
31.03.2020 Embedded thumbnail for La lutte contre le coronavirus dans les Ecoles Familiales Agricoles au Cameroun La lutte contre le coronavirus dans les Ecoles Familiales Agricoles au Cameroun Citizenship 3 : BONNE SANTÉ ET BIEN-ÊTRE English French Cameroon
03.04.2020 Embedded thumbnail for GRP4 ECE, aprendiendo a través del juego GRP4 ECE, aprendiendo a través del juego Education 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD, 5: IGUALDAD DE GÉNERO English Spanish South Africa
22.03.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Desinfección solar del agua (SODIS) en ACOHOF (Camerún) Desinfección solar del agua (SODIS) en ACOHOF (Camerún) Rural development English Spanish Cameroon
22.03.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Désinfection solaire (SODIS) avec Acohof, Cameroun Désinfection solaire (SODIS) avec Acohof, Cameroun Rural development 6 : EAU PROPRE ET ASSAINISSEMENT English French Cameroon
25.03.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Cultural differences in greetings: a focus on Spain Cultural differences in greetings: a focus on Spain Cultural Identity English English Belgium
26.03.2021 Embedded thumbnail for Cameroon is a blessed country Cameroon is a blessed country Organization 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES English English Cameroon
10.09.2021 Embedded thumbnail for Vamos ser corajosos para igualdade de gênero. Vamos ser corajosos para igualdade de gênero. Gender 5: IGUALDADE DE GËNERO English Portuguese, Brazil Belgium
27.09.2021 Embedded thumbnail for Laten we moedig zijn voor gendergelijkheid Laten we moedig zijn voor gendergelijkheid Gender 5: GENDERGELIJKHEID English Dutch Belgium
19.03.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Dialla’s realiteit – een persoonlijk verhaal (het recht op onderwijs) Dialla’s realiteit – een persoonlijk verhaal (het recht op onderwijs) Cultural Identity 5: GENDERGELIJKHEID English Dutch Belgium
19.03.2019 Embedded thumbnail for La réalité de Dialla - Une histoire personnelle (Le droit à l'éducation) La réalité de Dialla - Une histoire personnelle (Le droit à l'éducation) Cultural Identity 5 : ÉGALITÉ ENTRE LES SEXES English French Belgium
19.03.2019 Embedded thumbnail for A realidade da Dialla – Uma história pessoal (O direito à educação) A realidade da Dialla – Uma história pessoal (O direito à educação) Cultural Identity 5: IGUALDADE DE GËNERO English Portuguese, Brazil Belgium
27.04.2021 Embedded thumbnail for Cameroon is a blessed country Cameroon is a blessed country Organization 4 : ÉDUCATION DE QUALITÉ, 10 : INÉGALITÉS RÉDUITES English French Cameroon
17.07.2018 Embedded thumbnail for The story of beekeeping at the Institute For Rural Entrepreneurship (IRE), Nkambe, Cameroon. The story of beekeeping at the Institute For Rural Entrepreneurship (IRE), Nkambe, Cameroon. Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION English English Cameroon


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