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Post date Titlesort descending Video category SDG Original Language Language Country
03.05.2021 Embedded thumbnail for Breaking paradigms Breaking paradigms Education 2: ZERO HUNGER, 4: QUALITY EDUCATION Spanish English Guatemala
17.07.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Breve histórico da EFA, Bahia, Brasil. Breve histórico da EFA, Bahia, Brasil. Education Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
02.01.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Bruggen bouwen tussen leerlingen wereldwijd Bruggen bouwen tussen leerlingen wereldwijd Cultural Identity 4: KWALITEITSONDERWIJS, 17: PARTNERSCHAPPEN OM DOELSTELLINGEN TE BEREIKEN Dutch Dutch Belgium
17.01.2021 Embedded thumbnail for Building bridges between students worldwide Building bridges between students worldwide Cultural Identity 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS Dutch English Bénin
13.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Building Dreams, building a community. Building Dreams, building a community. Organization 1 NO POVERTY, 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES English English Philippines
20.02.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Bullying : Me or You? Bullying : Me or You? Education Portuguese English Brazil
29.11.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Bullying: Eu ou você ? Bullying: Eu ou você ? Education Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
31.05.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Buscando alternativas en agricultura Buscando alternativas en agricultura Productive projects 2: HAMBRE CERO, 8: TRABAJO DECENTE Y CRECIMENTO ECONÓMICO Spanish Spanish Honduras
26.04.2021 Embedded thumbnail for Camarões é um país abençoado Camarões é um país abençoado Organization 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE, 10: REDUÇÃO DAS DESIGUALDADES English Portuguese, Brazil Cameroon
09.05.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Cambio Climático em Honduras Cambio Climático em Honduras Environmental 13: AÇÃO CONTRA A MUDANÇA GLOBAL DO CLIMA, 15: VIDA NA TERRA Spanish Portuguese, Brazil Honduras
01.08.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Cambios ecológicos y producción sostenible. Cambios ecológicos y producción sostenible. Environmental 12 PRODUCCIÓN Y CONSUMO RESPONSABLE, 15: VIDA DE ECOSISTEMAS TERRESTRES Portuguese Spanish Brazil
28.04.2021 Embedded thumbnail for Cambios en la EFA de Camerún Cambios en la EFA de Camerún Education 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD French Spanish Cameroon
27.04.2021 Embedded thumbnail for Cameroon is a blessed country Cameroon is a blessed country Organization 4 : ÉDUCATION DE QUALITÉ, 10 : INÉGALITÉS RÉDUITES English French Cameroon
26.03.2021 Embedded thumbnail for Cameroon is a blessed country Cameroon is a blessed country Organization 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES English English Cameroon
28.04.2021 Embedded thumbnail for Camerún es un país bendecido Camerún es un país bendecido Organization 4: EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD, 10: REDUCCIÓN DE LAS DESIGUALDADES English Spanish Cameroon
10.04.2018 Embedded thumbnail for CAPAM, the Agricultural Training Centre - Cameroon CAPAM, the Agricultural Training Centre - Cameroon Organization 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES French English Cameroon
19.01.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Casa de farinha no meu Quilombo Casa de farinha no meu Quilombo Productive projects 2: ACABAR COM A FOME Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
05.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Casa para la producción de harina en mi quilombo Casa para la producción de harina en mi quilombo Productive projects 2: HAMBRE CERO Portuguese Spanish Brazil
07.11.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Casamento infantil no Senegal Casamento infantil no Senegal Gender 5: IGUALDADE DE GËNERO, 16: PAZ, JUSTIÇA E INSTITUIÇÕES EFICAZES French Portuguese, Brazil Senegal
23.07.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Ce voyage nous a permis « d’ouvrir les yeux ». Ce voyage nous a permis « d’ouvrir les yeux ». Cultural Identity 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS French French Belgium
11.07.2018 Embedded thumbnail for CEFFA and the promotion of youth self-employment in Cameroon CEFFA and the promotion of youth self-employment in Cameroon Education French English Cameroon
11.07.2018 Embedded thumbnail for CEFFA e a promoção do trabalho por conta própria na juventude nos Camarões CEFFA e a promoção do trabalho por conta própria na juventude nos Camarões Education French Portuguese, Brazil Cameroon
11.07.2018 Embedded thumbnail for CEFFA y la promoción del autoempleo juvenil en Camerún CEFFA y la promoción del autoempleo juvenil en Camerún Education French Spanish Cameroon
13.07.2018 Embedded thumbnail for CEFFA y la promoción del autoempleo juvenil en Camerún CEFFA y la promoción del autoempleo juvenil en Camerún Productive projects French Spanish Cameroon
05.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Celebrations in Quilombo communities Celebrations in Quilombo communities Cultural Identity 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES Portuguese English Brazil
01.08.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Censura literária na Espanha de Franco Censura literária na Espanha de Franco Citizenship 16: PAZ, JUSTIÇA E INSTITUIÇÕES EFICAZES English Portuguese, Brazil Belgium
10.05.2023 Embedded thumbnail for Centrales hidroeléctricas y sus consecuencias Centrales hidroeléctricas y sus consecuencias Citizenship 7: ENERGÍA ASEQUIBLE Y NO CONTAMINANTE, 9: INDUSTRIA, INNOVACIÓN Y INFRAESTRUCTURA, 15: VIDA DE ECOSISTEMAS TERRESTRES Portuguese Spanish Brazil
13.04.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Centro de Formação Agrícola, Capam - Camarões Centro de Formação Agrícola, Capam - Camarões Organization 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE, 8: TRABALHO DECENTE E CRESCIMENTO ECONÔMICO, 11: CIDADES E COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS French Portuguese, Brazil Cameroon
24.07.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Centro Educativo en Nicaragua Centro Educativo en Nicaragua Education Spanish Spanish Nicaragua
25.05.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Centro educativo Guaiamaca Centro educativo Guaiamaca Education Spanish Spanish Honduras


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