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Post date Title Video category SDG Original Language Language Country
16.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Over Comundos Over Comundos Organization English Dutch Brazil
16.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Plus d´info sur Comundos Plus d´info sur Comundos Organization English French Brazil
16.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Sobre Comundos - 2016 Sobre Comundos - 2016 Organization English Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
16.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Sobre Comundos - 2016 Sobre Comundos - 2016 Organization English Spanish Brazil
16.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Landelijke jeugd wil op het platteland blijven. Landelijke jeugd wil op het platteland blijven. Citizenship Portuguese Dutch Brazil
06.08.2018 Embedded thumbnail for L'eau propre pour mieux vivre ! L'eau propre pour mieux vivre ! Rural development 6 : EAU PROPRE ET ASSAINISSEMENT, 17 : PARTENARIATS POUR LA RÉALISATION DES OBJECTIFS Portuguese French Brazil
23.04.2017 Embedded thumbnail for La Foire Pédagogique de l’École Famille Agricole La Foire Pédagogique de l’École Famille Agricole Education 4 : ÉDUCATION DE QUALITÉ Portuguese French Brazil
10.10.2016 Embedded thumbnail for O que me preocupa no momento é racismo. O que me preocupa no momento é racismo. Citizenship 10: REDUÇÃO DAS DESIGUALDADES, 16: PAZ, JUSTIÇA E INSTITUIÇÕES EFICAZES Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
10.10.2016 Embedded thumbnail for What makes me sad at the moment is racism. What makes me sad at the moment is racism. Citizenship 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS Portuguese English Brazil
10.10.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Wat me momenteel bezighoudt is racisme. Wat me momenteel bezighoudt is racisme. Citizenship 10: ONGELIJKHEID VERMINDEREN, 16. VREDE, VEILIGHEID EN RECHTVAARDIGHEID Portuguese Dutch Brazil
12.06.2017 Embedded thumbnail for What about Preserving the Culture of the Countryside? What about Preserving the Culture of the Countryside? Cultural Identity Portuguese English Brazil
12.06.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Que tal preservar a Cultura Camponesa? Que tal preservar a Cultura Camponesa? Cultural Identity Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
05.12.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Poluição no meio ambiente Poluição no meio ambiente Environmental 6: ÁGUA LIMPA E SANEAMENTO, 13: AÇÃO CONTRA A MUDANÇA GLOBAL DO CLIMA, 17: PARCERIAS E MEIOS DE IMPLEMENTAÇÃO Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
27.11.2016 Embedded thumbnail for The story about local power The story about local power Citizenship Portuguese English Brazil
27.04.2015 Embedded thumbnail for Um olhar de quem vive na Caatinga. Um olhar de quem vive na Caatinga. Environmental 12: CONSUMO E PRODUÇÃO RESPONSÁVEIS, 13: AÇÃO CONTRA A MUDANÇA GLOBAL DO CLIMA, 15: VIDA NA TERRA Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
17.07.2017 Embedded thumbnail for O papel de um monitor dentro e fora da escola O papel de um monitor dentro e fora da escola Education 2: ACABAR COM A FOME, 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
11.11.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Guardar água limpa para viver melhor!!! Guardar água limpa para viver melhor!!! Rural development 6: ÁGUA LIMPA E SANEAMENTO Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
11.11.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Lutas sociais no Semiárido Lutas sociais no Semiárido Rural development Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
11.11.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Historia sobre poder local Historia sobre poder local Citizenship Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
11.02.2016 Embedded thumbnail for “Educação do Campo, Direito Nosso, Dever do Estado” “Nós existimos”. “Educação do Campo, Direito Nosso, Dever do Estado” “Nós existimos”. Citizenship Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
14.11.2016 Embedded thumbnail for A Healthy Life Depends on Clean Water !!! A Healthy Life Depends on Clean Water !!! Rural development 6: CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION, 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES Portuguese English Brazil
18.11.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Een gezond leven hangt af van proper water Een gezond leven hangt af van proper water Rural development 6: SCHOON WATER EN SANITAIR, 17: PARTNERSCHAPPEN OM DOELSTELLINGEN TE BEREIKEN Portuguese Dutch Brazil
15.07.2017 Embedded thumbnail for O Jovem e a Comunidade. O Jovem e a Comunidade. Education Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
21.01.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Escola Familia Agricola Tornando Sonhos Realidade Escola Familia Agricola Tornando Sonhos Realidade Education 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
16.01.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Een ander leven in de Braziliaanse halfwoestijne regio. Een ander leven in de Braziliaanse halfwoestijne regio. Rural development 1 EINDE AAN ARMOEDE, 6: SCHOON WATER EN SANITAIR, 10: ONGELIJKHEID VERMINDEREN Portuguese Dutch Brazil
27.05.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Family agricultural schools making dreams come true. Family agricultural schools making dreams come true. Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION Portuguese English Brazil
27.01.2015 Embedded thumbnail for Formação de jovens para se tornarem atores no desenvolvimento de seu território. Formação de jovens para se tornarem atores no desenvolvimento de seu território. Rural development 4: EDUCAçÃO DE QUALIDADE, 10: REDUÇÃO DAS DESIGUALDADES Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
27.11.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Training young people to become actors in the development of their territory. Training young people to become actors in the development of their territory. Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES Portuguese English Brazil
27.11.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Violência e Juventude Violência e Juventude Citizenship 11: CIDADES E COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS, 16: PAZ, JUSTIÇA E INSTITUIÇÕES EFICAZES Portuguese Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
27.02.2016 Embedded thumbnail for “Country Education, Our Right, State Obligation”. “We Exist”. “Country Education, Our Right, State Obligation”. “We Exist”. Education Portuguese English Brazil


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