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Post date Title Video category SDG Original Languagesort descending Language Country
13.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Building Dreams, building a community. Building Dreams, building a community. Organization 1 NO POVERTY, 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES English English Philippines
04.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for From rubbish to ART From rubbish to ART Environmental English English Belgium
13.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Agricultura Ecológica en Filipinas. Agricultura Ecológica en Filipinas. Productive projects 8: TRABAJO DECENTE Y CRECIMENTO ECONÓMICO, 9: INDUSTRIA, 11: CIUDADES Y COMUNIDADES SOSTENIBLES English Spanish Philippines
04.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Rice Not Bullets Rice Not Bullets Citizenship 2: ZERO HUNGER, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS English English Philippines
12.03.2015 Embedded thumbnail for Uma história não contada sobre a seca e 'El Niño' Uma história não contada sobre a seca e 'El Niño' Environmental 6: ÁGUA LIMPA E SANEAMENTO, 12: CONSUMO E PRODUÇÃO RESPONSÁVEIS, 13: AÇÃO CONTRA A MUDANÇA GLOBAL DO CLIMA English Portuguese, Brazil Philippines
04.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Intercultural communication Intercultural communication Cultural Identity 4: QUALITY EDUCATION English English Belgium
16.03.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Organic farming as a profitable business in the Philippines. Organic farming as a profitable business in the Philippines. Rural development 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES English English Philippines
05.01.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Através dos olhos de um sobrevivente Através dos olhos de um sobrevivente Environmental 13: AÇÃO CONTRA A MUDANÇA GLOBAL DO CLIMA English Portuguese, Brazil Philippines
13.02.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Biodiversity here and now. Biodiversity here and now. Environmental 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 15: LIFE ON LAND English English Philippines
13.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Through the eyes of a survivor of Typhoon Haiyan Through the eyes of a survivor of Typhoon Haiyan Environmental 13: CLIMATE ACTION English English Philippines
13.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Passing The Gift of Knowledge Passing The Gift of Knowledge Gender 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 5: GENDER EQUALITY English English Philippines
08.11.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Biologische landbouw op de Filippijnen Biologische landbouw op de Filippijnen Productive projects 8: WAARDIG WERK EN ECONOMISCHE GROEI, 9: INDUSTRIE, 11: VEILIGE EN DUURZAME STEDEN English Dutch Philippines
16.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Plus d´info sur Comundos Plus d´info sur Comundos Organization English French Brazil
21.12.2015 Embedded thumbnail for Persistent hope of a self made Agri-Veterinarian Persistent hope of a self made Agri-Veterinarian Rural development 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES English English Philippines
02.09.2015 Embedded thumbnail for An Untold Story about drought and ´El Niño´ An Untold Story about drought and ´El Niño´ Environmental 6: CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION, 12 RESPONSABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, 13: CLIMATE ACTION English English Philippines
19.05.2016 Embedded thumbnail for About Comundos About Comundos Organization English English Brazil
13.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Agricultura orgânica nas Filipinas. Agricultura orgânica nas Filipinas. Productive projects 8: TRABALHO DECENTE E CRESCIMENTO ECONÔMICO, 9: INDÚSTRIA, INOVAÇÃO E INFRAESTRUTURA, 11: CIDADES E COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS English Portuguese, Brazil Philippines
19.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Surmonter la pauvreté au nord-ouest du Cameroun Surmonter la pauvreté au nord-ouest du Cameroun Education 1 PAS DE PAUVRETÉ English French Cameroon
22.01.2017 Embedded thumbnail for The story of a Successful Pineapple Grower The story of a Successful Pineapple Grower Productive projects 1 NO POVERTY, 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH English English Philippines
30.10.2017 Embedded thumbnail for Overcoming Poverty in Northwest Cameroon Overcoming Poverty in Northwest Cameroon Education 1 NO POVERTY English English Cameroon
02.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Out of School Youth and Farming Out of School Youth and Farming Education 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES English English Philippines
02.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Hope, by passing on the gift Hope, by passing on the gift Rural development 1 NO POVERTY, 2: ZERO HUNGER, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES English English Philippines
16.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Sobre Comundos - 2016 Sobre Comundos - 2016 Organization English Portuguese, Brazil Brazil
02.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for This Is Not Just Another Mushroom Story This Is Not Just Another Mushroom Story Productive projects 1 NO POVERTY, 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH English English Philippines
13.12.2017 Embedded thumbnail for L’agriculture biologique aux Philippines. L’agriculture biologique aux Philippines. Productive projects 8: TRAVAIL DÉCENT ET CROISSANCE ÉCONOMIQUE, 9: INDUSTRIE, INNOVATION ET INFRASTRUCTURE, 11 : VILLES ET COMMUNAUTÉS DURABLES English French Philippines
05.05.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Door de ogen van een overlevende van Tyfoon Haiyan (Yolanda) Door de ogen van een overlevende van Tyfoon Haiyan (Yolanda) Environmental 13: KLIMAATACTIE English Dutch Philippines
16.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Over Comundos Over Comundos Organization English Dutch Brazil
24.10.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Organic Farming in the Philippines Organic Farming in the Philippines Productive projects 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE, 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES English English Philippines
16.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for Sobre Comundos - 2016 Sobre Comundos - 2016 Organization English Spanish Brazil
02.09.2016 Embedded thumbnail for In between Mining and Development In between Mining and Development Environmental 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS English English Philippines


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