
Post date Titlesort descending Video Category Country SDG
30.01.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Palm Wine Production Palm Wine Production Cultural Identity Cameroon 1 NO POVERTY, 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH
20.09.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Production of hydroponic fodder from corn Production of hydroponic fodder from corn Rural development Cameroon 1 NO POVERTY, 2: ZERO HUNGER
10.03.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Professional educational development in rural areas Professional educational development in rural areas Organization Cameroon 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES
28.09.2019 Embedded thumbnail for School drop-out rate in Ngaoundere in Cameroon School drop-out rate in Ngaoundere in Cameroon Citizenship Cameroon 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
28.09.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Schools against poaching Schools against poaching Environmental Cameroon 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 15: LIFE ON LAND
04.03.2019 Embedded thumbnail for Solar Disinfection (SODIS) in Acohof, Cameroon Solar Disinfection (SODIS) in Acohof, Cameroon Rural development Cameroon 6: CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION
16.12.2020 Embedded thumbnail for Surviving through Covid Times in East Cameroon. Surviving through Covid Times in East Cameroon. Organization Cameroon 1 NO POVERTY, 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS
10.03.2018 Embedded thumbnail for Sustainable Agriculture in the Far-North of Cameroon Sustainable Agriculture in the Far-North of Cameroon Rural development Cameroon
30.04.2024 Embedded thumbnail for Technological Balance As a Tool for Global Infectious Virus Control Technological Balance As a Tool for Global Infectious Virus Control Education Cameroon 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL- BEING
17.09.2023 Embedded thumbnail for The Closure of Schools in the Northwest Region of Cameroon The Closure of Schools in the Northwest Region of Cameroon Education Cameroon 4: QUALITY EDUCATION, 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS


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